Ron Welch
Muskingum County Prosecutor
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Muskingum County Budget Commission
Debra J. Nye, Muskingum County Auditor, has announced the Muskingum County Budget Commission will be meeting on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 10:00 a.m. through the end of the 2023 calendar year excluding the months of October and December. The October 2023 meetings will be held October 16th and October 30th and the December 2023 meetings will be held December 11th and December 20th• The purpose of these meetings is to approve any request from political subdivisions increasing and/or decreasing an Amended Certificate of Estimated Resources according to ORC 5705.36(A)(3) and 5705.36 (A)(4). All meetings will be held in the Auditor's Real Estate Office Conference room located at 401 Main Street, Zanesville, Ohio.
The Muskingum County Budget Commission meeting scheduled for Monday, August 28, 2023, has been cancelled and rescheduled for Tuesday, August 22, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. in the office of the Prosecuting Attorney, 27 N 5th Street, Suite 201, Zanesville, Ohio. The purpose of this meeting is to approve budgets for all county related entities and approve tax estimates for all Political Subdivisions except schools for the calendar year 2024. The Board will approve the local government allocations for calendar year 2024.
The Muskingum County Budget Commission consists of the County Auditor, the County Treasurer, and the County Prosecuting Attorney or their designated appointee.
_Further information may be obtained by contacting Tina Huebner, Chief Deputy Auditor, at 740- 455-7109 ext. 106.
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