Ron Welch
Muskingum County Prosecutor
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Muskingum County Prosecuting Attorney Leads Petition to Keep Teenage Murderer Locked Up
The mission of the Muskingum County Prosecutor's Office is to provide safety in our community by holding the guilty accountable, protecting the innocent, and preserving the dignity of victims and their families.
As part of that mission, the Office is organizing a public petition opposing the early release of Billy J. Shafer, a child murderer imprisoned in 1993.
The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction Parole Board is reviewing Shafer’s sentence. One of the requirements the Parole Board must consider is community opposition to a murderer’s release. The board will vote on whether to keep Shafer imprisoned this month.
Citizens opposed to releasing Billy Shafer can sign the petition by visiting muskingumprosecutor.org/Petition/.
The petition will be delivered to the Parole Board.
In February 1993, Shafer murdered 5-year-old Sara West in her home. Shafer had volunteered to babysit West. He shot Sara in the head with a firearm and then cut her dead body into pieces.
Shafer confessed to investigators that he had murdered Sara. He told them that he had fantasized about killing someone for most of his life. He told them that he murdered Sara because “opportunity was knocking.”
Shafer’s imprisonment was upheld by the Parole Board in 2019.
Muskingum County Prosecuting Attorney Ron Welch says keeping Shafer in prison is the only way Sara West and her family can have justice.
“Keeping this child murderer behind bars is the only way Sara will continue to receive justice,” Prosecutor Welch said. “His release would be a slap in the face to Sara, her family, our community, and to justice.”
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